Vandalism trauma for Chorley dad who is nursing his wife through palliative care

Magistrates CourtMagistrates Court
Magistrates Court
A husband who is nursing his wife through her end of life care found a disgruntled neighbour had caused £800 damage to his car.

Christopher Lee, keyed the man’s Vauxhall Agila after becoming angry he couldn’t find a parking space, Preston Magistrates’ Court was told.

Lee, of Canterbury Street, Chorley, admits criminal damage following the incident on January 20.

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Wearing a navy jumper, the 37-year-old sat in the dock with his arms folded.

Magistrates CourtMagistrates Court
Magistrates Court

Prosecuting, Laura Keegan said: “ The owner of the vehicle hasn’t made statement - the evidence came from his son - as he is looking after his wife, who is on end of life care.

“The vehicle was parked outside and the defendant has damaged it.

“There are no previous issues between them - he was annoyed that there was no parking space available.

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She added: “The defendant has unlocked his front door, then gone back outside and ran his key down the car.

“The damage will cost £871 to repair.”

The court heard Lee has six previous convictions for nine offences.

His last one, in 2007, was also for criminal damage.

Defending himself he said: “I wish I wasn’t stood here today.”

He told the bench he did not know the person who owned the car.

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He said he had had a very bad day and simply lost his temper when he couldn’t park.

The offence left him £1,041 out of pocket.

The court sentenced him to a month long curfew and ordered him to pay the family £871 compensation.

He must also pay an £85 victim surcharge and £85 costs at a rate of £100 a month.

Parking rage has landed several people before the courts in Lancashire in recent years.

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In 2015, angry neighbour Shaun Garrity, then 39, of Birkdale Drive, Ashton, Preston, rained blows on the bonnet of a car during a row over a parking space.

He then pulled a wiper blade off his own car and used it to threaten another driver, who had been attending party at a house on the same street.