Please stop at crossings

Drivers are being urged to be more careful at crossings, especially near schools. See letterDrivers are being urged to be more careful at crossings, especially near schools. See letter
Drivers are being urged to be more careful at crossings, especially near schools. See letter
Please stop at crossings

A plea to drivers to stop at crossings when the red light is showing.

There have been quite a few near misses on the crossing outside St Gregory’s School, Blackpool Road, Deepdale, over the years. According to Lancashire County Council, the school doesn’t qualify to have a crossing patrol, even though a number of years ago Deepdale Retail Park offered to pay for one (which at that time they turned down).

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Blackpool Road is busier now than it has ever been, not just because of the retail outlets, but also because the fire station has recently allowed the ambulance station to be housed there (this is a good location for it).

Over the past few years, there has been a number of incidents on the crossing. A young boy suffered head injuries and was hospitalised, a young girl was clipped as she was crossing and the driver didn’t even stop, and last week children were about to cross when the green man was on and two vehicles drove through the red light. If something isn’t done here soon, there is going to be a very serious incident and a child could easily be killed.

When Blackpool Road was being looked at to carry out road improvements, I requested that this crossing was looked into.

I have asked for the crossing to be raised to the same height as the pavement and to make it more visible. I also asked why there are no flashing warning lights either side of the puffin, as can be seen outside other schools in Lancashire.

So drivers please be aware when driving near schools.

Coun Terry Cartwright, Independent, Deepdale Ward

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Ps This crossing was changed from a pelican to a puffin but I haven’t seen any difference.

They must be fracking a laugh

Fracking a laugh.

Well, you’ve got to, haven’t you?

Dr David Hillier claims that noise levels from drilling would fall within acceptable levels.

Whose? Cuadrilla’s of course.

He goes on to say that noise levels from the construction of Hs2 should be taken into account.

Eh, what on earth has that to do with fracking?

Then we get that there is “no SOUND reason to reject exploration on the grounds of noise.”

You couldn’t make that quote up could you?

Come in Andrew Timpany.

Yet another of Cuadrilla’s “experts”.

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He states that 53 high drilling rigs would only cause a “temporary visual intrusion” and goes on to say that operations were expected to cease after about six years. Temporary?

Then that there would be “negligible impact” on the character of the area. Oh, really, try selling that nonsense to the people who live there.

Where on earth does Francis Egan get his so-called experts from? Still you’ve got to laugh haven’t you?

And there is nothing us Lancashire folk like more than a good chuckle. Can’t wait for the next instalment.

Name and address supplied

Non-EU nations are doing fine

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Following the letter by Will Heyes (February 10). I would like to add my voice to his comments.

David Cameron and the other scaremongers think the general public don’t understand what is going on.

Well, Mr Cameron, we do.

It appears they forget that both Switzerland and Iceland (both classed as Europe) are NOT in the EU and don’t want to join as they are doing just fine as they are, but are trading partners with not only the EU, but also with other countries around the world.

I think that Cameron has let us down with his so-called negotiation. We need to secure our borders and look after our own people before this situation gets any worse.

Cliff Fazackerley, Higher Bartle

Opposition is just a mirage

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There was a period in the 1870s, when an astute writer to The Times said he had never known a time “when English politics were held in such low esteem”.

He was referring, he said, to “the incompetent and ineffectual opposition in the Commons”.

If alive today, he would repeat his criticism with even more force for a credible and competent opposition is no more.

It is a mirage.

The Liberal Democrats no longer cause a blip on the political radar.

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The Labour Party ship is being steered slowly but perceptibly towards treacherous rocks by a captain and crew who are not only blind to the approaching peril, they have lost the ship’s compass and have no lifeboats.

The recent revelations about UKIP signal a party facing oblivion.

Faced with bankruptcy and tales of serious mismanagement, plus a leadership at loggerheads with his team, it is a party that is not approaching rocks.

It is already on them.

Dr Barry Clayton, address supplied

No help for flood victim

I am writing to let people know about my granddaughter, husband and 12-month-old son.

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Their house was flooded by over 3ft on Boxing Day. Their two dogs were swimming in the water.

Since then, my granddaughter and family have had to move in with relatives. They have not yet received one single penny or any help whatsoever. They have had to pay for their two dogs to stay in kennels.

Every day I hear and read about money raised for Croston and other towns, with people being taken out for free meals and given lots of help.

So why not here in Leyland?

A very disgruntled grandma

Cameron took wrong approach

I do not know why Cameron is running ragged round Europe begging. Surely he should have sent an open letter to all Government heads stating exactly what he was demanding.

He should then let them talk it over among themselves and get back to him, before he decides to stay or go.

J Williams via email