Community smash target to honour late Bamber Bridge "hero" with a headstone and food vouchers in his memory

The late Robert CochraneThe late Robert Cochrane
The late Robert Cochrane
The memory of a Bamber Bridge "hero" has been secured, after locals rallied round and smashed a fundraising target.

Robert Cochrane died in hospital on October 26 last year, after battling heart problems following a sudden fall.

>>>Click here to read more about Robert and the campaign.

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Although the 64-year-old lived with learning difficulties, he was a dedicated community champion, and gave up his time to keep the town tidy. He was known for doing odd jobs for neighbours, pubs, the Lancashire County Council and even the police.

In recent months it came to light that only a wooden cross marked his grave at St Saviour's Church, Church Road, Bamber Bridge.

Amanda Jane, a member of the Facebook group Be Proud To Be A Brigger appealed for people to raise money to fund a proper headstone. This was seen by John Wilson, who had experience of fundraising to fly stricken Bamber Bridge scaffolder Colin Whiteside home after a mosquito bite in Sri Lanka.

Together, they organised a fundraiser, and have managed to order a headstone, and with surplus funds, will be supporting local food banks in Robert's honour.

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Mr Wilson said: "With the funds raised on Gofundme and the £600 donated by the Council, we raised more than enough money for Robert Cochrane's headstone which was £1,244 and has been ordered.

"After paying for the headstone and Gofundme's fee's we had just short of £900 left over. I have rounded this off to £900 and ordered vouchers for ALDI. These will be shared with the local food banks.

"Thank you again to everyone who donated."

Mike Grasar said: "Well done everyone, and a nice legacy for Robert."

Dave Dickson said: "Well done everyone. It's good to see community coming together when it's needed."

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June Frances Latham said: "I met him many times when he lived in a care house he always had time for the other residents always opened the door for me when i came on duty.

Anne Poulton said: "Well done. He would be so chuffed."

About Robert

Robert was born on January 26, 1956. He was raised in an orphanage before being adopted by the couple who ran it, once it had closed.

Robert's adopted parents later moved to France, then Italy and Spain, leaving him in Preston where he lived at Stanley Grange care home.

Robert later moved to Bamber Bridge where he lived with other adults in assisted living quarters in Kingsway.